Bormioli Luigi, proudly supporting Slow Food, will be present at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024, as In-Kind Partner. The event will be held at Parco Dora in Turin from 26 to 30 September, and Bormioli Luigi thus confirms its commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment.
During the event, there will be our stand displaying and selling the prestigious Luigi Bormioli and Bormioli Rocco branded products. Luigi Bormioli and Bormioli Rocco glasses, the expression of elegance and the best Made in Italy, will be the protagonists of the eight exclusive masterclasses organised in collaboration with Vigneron.Wine. These masterclasses will not only celebrate Italian wine, but also underline the importance of the union between glass art and wine culture.
Each glass has been carefully chosen to best enhance the characteristics of each wine, demonstrating that it is not only important what you drink, but also how you drink it. This careful choice ensures that every nuance of flavour and aroma is brought out to the full.
During the masterclasses, participants will have the opportunity to experience first-hand how the right glass can transform the way they perceive and appreciate a wine. Each session will be a journey through the different characteristics of the selected wines, where the glass will become the means to explore their complexity and depth.
We look forward to welcoming you at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024!
Bormioli Luigi is a specialized glass factory that manufactures high quality containers for perfume and alcoholic beverages, as well as tableware in superior crystal glass. Following in the steps of timeless tradition, the Bormioli family continues to uphold the ever topical and fascinating challenge inspired by the art of glass-making.
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