After Glass S.p.A., is responsible of the secondary processing activities on glass articles and is wholly controlled by Bormioli Luigi S.p.A. It specializes in the decoration of articles for the perfumery and cosmetics sector and glassware. The Company’s business purpose covers the secondary processing activities on glass and non-glass articles, including decoration, reselection, packaging, product recovery and assembly.
After Glass has set up a reporting channel (Whistleblowing) pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, to offer the possibility to report breaches of national or European regulatory provisions that are harmful to the public interest or the integrity of After Glass S.p.A., or violations of the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001and the Code of Ethics adopted by the Bormioli Luigi Group.
Your message will be handled securely
This channel also allows you to send messages anonymously, is encrypted and password protected.
All messages will be handled in a strictly confidential manner, with the highest security standards.
How can I submit and follow my report?
Click on the link to make a report: https://areariservata.mygovernance.it/#!/WB/AfterGlass

If the report concerns one of the members of the Supervisory Body, click here for the report form to be sent by email to the following address: veronica.brandini@bormioliluigi.com.

Click here for any information on the procedure for reporting
VIDEO How to report on "My Whistleblowing"